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Java .Blend


Version 1.3.10


Holger Machens

This is the documentation of the Java .Blend generic Blender file import/export toolkit for Java. Blender is an open source 3D graphics modelling and rendering environment which supports import and export of various file formats such as FBX and Collada. Imports and exports always require a mapping between different formats which inevitably involves compromises, resulting in loss of information. Java .Blend aims to fill the gap for Java programmers, who want type-safe access to all the data in a Blender file with read and write capabilities. To achieve that, Java .Blend uses meta data which is contained in each Blender file, and describes Blender's entire core data model. This meta data is fed to Java .Blend's code generator, which generates Java classes for all types in Blender's data model and thereby creates a type-safe API to access raw data in a .blend file. Thus, there are no gaps in the model and every piece of a Blender file is available to the API programmer.

This document contains a system specification of Java .Blend. It describes its functionality and specifies its data model. To understand the system specification, and to work with Blender files, a basic knowledge of Blender's data model and its file format is necessary. Therefore, this document starts with an introduction to Blender's DNA and its file format. The section thereafter covers the system specification which involves vital information on the type mapping between C structs and types in Blender and Java classes and types in Java .Blend. It also explains main parts of the Java .Blend runtime library (data I/O). More detailed information on parts of the system can be found in the Javadoc documentation (respective the source code documentation). At the end of this document there is a brief getting started guide for API programmers. Main purpose of this section is to point programmers in the right direction. The examples found in the download section of the website are intended to help further down the road.


Blender DNA
Brief Data Model Overview
Blender File Format
Blender Address Mapping
Blender Versioning and File Version
Block Order
Design Overview
Block Level I/O
Type Mapping
Code Generator
Generated Facade Classes
Generated Utilities Package
Externally Maintained Documentation
Getting Started
Contributing to Documentation
Generating Data Model and Utilities

Blender DNA

Blender's core data model is called its DNA. It covers all relevant, persistent data of a running Blender process which will be stored in a file. Data is stored in a .blend file as plain images of the data structures in heap memory. Thus, the data model in the file is exactly the same as in heap memory. Therefore, understanding Blender's DNA is the first part of understanding the Blender file format. The following section is intended to provide a brief introduction to the fundamental design principles of the Blender DNA but it does not cover the whole data model.

Brief Data Model Overview

Blender organises all data in so called libraries. A library holds references on the content of one file. A library is either classified as a Main library, which holds the content of one .blend file, or a common Library, which holds the content of an external file, such as a texture image.

Main libraries (see Figure above) hold references on the main library elements such as a Scene, Objects of a scene, Meshes, Material and so on but not on detailed data such as vertices or normals of a mesh. Those details are referenced by the main library elements themselves (see Figure below).

Further down, main library elements have references between each other to establish a scene graph (see Figure below).

Blender File Format

On its lowest level, a Blender file consists of a header followed by a list of blocks of memory. Each block holds data of a specific type, such as a struct an array of structs or single data elements. One of the blocks contains the type information required to interpret the body of a block.

File Header

The file header (first 12 bytes of every Blender file) contains low-level information about the file:

name type description
MAGIC 7 byte ASCII Content: "BLENDER". Used to identify Blender files
pointerSize 1 byte ASCII Indicates the width of an address (i.e. sizeof(void*) which is the same as sizeof(long)). '_' means 4 bytes and '-' means 8 bytes.
byteorder 1 byte ASCII Byte ordering used in the file. 'v' means little endian and 'V' means big endian.
version 3 byte ASCII Blender version the file originated from. "234" means version 2.34 .

As you can see, all the data given in the header is represented in single bytes and therefore independent of byte order and address width of the underlying system architecture. All subsequent data following after the file header may require conversion to the data representation of the runtime environment, present.

Block Level

Blocks consist of a header, which describes what type of data is stored in its body, and a body with the actual data. The block header always starts at a file position which is 4 byte aligned. The body always contains data of one specific type, which is either a struct, an array of structs or scalars or even single scalar elements.

name type description
code 4 byte ASCII The block code gives a rough indication of which purpose the data is. Main library elements always have a dedicated block code such as "SC" for structs of type Scene or "ME" for structs of type Mesh. The most important codes are "DNA1" which contains the type information required to interpret any data in all the remaining blocks, and "ENDB" which marks the end of the file.
size int32 Length of the body in bytes.
address <pointerSize> This is the address, the data was found in memory, when it was stored to disk. This information is required to restore pointers on data in this block. Please note: <pointerSize> refers to the pointer size given in the file header.
sdnaIndex int32 This is an index into the 'struct' array in the type information. It defines the type of struct to be found in the body. Please note that sdnaIndex==0 is ambiguous. It can either stand for struct LinkBase or data of unknown type (e.g. an array of int). In the latter case, type of data can be determined from pointers that refer to it or from the context.
count int32 This is the number of instances of the type specified by 'sdnaIndex', stored in this block.

Since each block has its original memory address stored, it is possible to restore pointers on data in blocks. But there are cases, where the pointer addresses memory which is not in the file, too.

Type Information

All type information is stored in the block with code "DNA1", which can be at any position in the file. DNA1 contains a C structure called StructDNA or Structure DNA, which contains the type information.

name type description
SDNA 4 byte ASCII Content: "SDNA". Indicates start of the StructDNA struct.
NAME 4 byte ASCII Content: "NAME". Indicates start of the field name list section (see below).
names_len int32 Array length of the following field 'names'.
names Array of null terminated ASCII strings This array contains the names of the fields of all structs. A name consists of the actual name of the field and type specifications, such as if it is a pointer or an array (e.g. "*points[10]").
TYPE 4 byte ASCII Content: "TYPE". Indicates start of the field type list section (see below).
types_len int32 Array length of the following field 'types'.
types Array of null terminated ASCII strings This array contains the names of all types (scalar and structured) possibly used in any Blender file of that version. A type name contains the basic type only, such as int, char or LinkBase, Object, etc.
TLEN 4 byte ASCII Content: "TLEN". Indicates start of the type length section (see below).
type_lengths int16[<types_len>] An array, which contains for each type listed in 'types' above, the length of the type in bytes (e.g. 4 for int or 32 for LinkBase).
STRC 4 byte ASCII Content: "STRC". Indicates start of the struct type information section (see below).
structs_len int32 Length of the following array field 'structs'
structs Array of Struct instances This is the array, which contains the type information for any struct possibly used in a Blender file of the given version. Each element of the array contains an instances of a struct with the type information for a given struct.
For each struct:
name type description
type int16 Index in field 'types', giving the name of the struct.
fields_len int16 Length of the following array field 'fields'.
fields Field[] Array of instances of type Field containing descriptions for each member field of the struct.
For each field:
name type description
type int16 Index in field 'types' to receive the type of the field.
name int16 Index in field 'names' to receive the name of the field.

Blender Address Mapping

Since all data of a Blender process is stored without any conversion, all pointers in structs will still reference addresses in the memory of the original process. When Blender loads a file, data will get a different address in the new process and all pointers in that data have to be adjusted to point to the new location. For the most part, blender uses a so-called oldnewmap which maps old start addresses to new start address.

Please note, that the start address of a block is guaranteed to be unique but the content may or may not overlap the address space of following blocks. As explained, most of the blocks contain data which originates from the heap of the blender process which created the file. In a healthy application, memory areas on heap do not overlap each other. Accordingly, all addresses referring to data inside of any of those areas stored in a block are unique as well. However, there are a few exceptions since not all of the blocks existed in heap memory in the form they are written to the file. One example is a tree structure which is written to the file as a list to get a more compact format. The start address of the block which contains the tree elements is artificial and does not correspond to an actual address on heap. Blender guarantees that the start address is unique, but the address range represented by the data in this block (i.e. the range ]start, start+length]) may or may not overlap the address range of other blocks.

Blender Versioning and File Version

Blender differentiates between Blender program version (referred to as Blender version) and Blender file version. This section clarifies the meaning and relationship of both version specifiers.

On release, both types of version specifiers are comprised of three numbers which have different meanings:

  • Major version: This number is currently, internally limited to a single digit. It changes based on marketing or political decisions, which is rare for the time beeing.
  • Minor version: This number is internally limited to two digits. Unless the major number has been changed, this number counts up with every official release.
  • Patch version: This is also referred to as sub-version. Once released, a given Blender version gets maintenance support. This number changes when bug fixes have been incorporated. This number is abritrary long.

Beyond that, there is also a version cycle specifier, which reflects different stages in the development process, such as alpha, beta, release candidate (rc) and finally release. However, any officially released version (including patch releases) has the version cycle specifier release, which is why it can be ignored here.

As initially mentioned, Blender developers have decided to separate versioning of the Blender program code and the Blender file format.

  • Blender Version: The Blender program version, or Blender version for short, refers to the version of alle that code, which makes up the Blender program except of the code, which is related to the file format.
  • Blender File Version: The Blender file version refers to the version of the file format, the data model behind it (so-called DNA) and the associated code, which is responsible to read, write files and provide access to the DNA in memory, inside of a running Blender program instance. So, one can think of the DNA to be a module, which is added to the program code and therefor has its own versioning.

To keep track of the relationship between Blender version and Blender file version, both version numbers will always have the same major and minor number. Thus, a Blender program of version 2.91.x will always create files of file version 2.91.y, where x and y can be different.

Blender generally allows to read older version Blender files into a newer version Blender program. This requires Blender to have the code to migrate the DNA stored in an older version file into a new version DNA. To some degree, Blender can also migrate backwards, which means that a Blender program of an older version can read a Blender file of a newer version. However, this works only in a limited version range and this range is specified by two file version: The actual file version and the so-called 'minimal' version. Below is the comment in the code, which states that. Blender achives that by storing the actual layout of each struct and offsets of their properties in each blender file in the block DNA1.

/* Blender major and minor version. */
/* Blender patch version for bugfix releases. */
/** Blender release cycle stage: alpha/beta/rc/release. */

/* Blender file format version. */

/* Minimum Blender version that supports reading file written with the current
 * version. Older Blender versions will test this and show a warning if the file
 * was written with too new a version. */

The version specifier given in the file header of a Blender file always refers to the version of the Blender program instance, which created the file. Besides this information, a Blender file contains a block called GLOB, which contains more detailed information in respect to DNA model compatibility, based on additional version specifiers. This block contains the struct FileGlobal.

A full version check in Blender considers these four version specifiers:

VERSION (file header)
This is the version of the Blender instance, which created the file. This version specifier contains the major and the minor version number.
This is a version extension to the VERSION. A subversion number is Blender's equivalent to a build number. Thus, the full version specifier of the Blender instance would be a concatenation of VERSION and SUBVERSION.
This version specifier refers to the minimal version, this file will be model-equivalent to. Which means, that the Blender DNA in version VERSION still contains all structs and member variables of structs to cover all data given in .blend files starting from MINVERSION up to VERSION.
This is a version extension similar to SUBVERSION (i.e. build number of the first version, which had the same DNA).

Based on this information a system can consider a given file to be compatible with Blender in a version starting from MINVERSION, MINSUBVERSION up to VERSION, SUBVERSION. This does not mean, that the DNA has not changed during this period. It just means that all structs and member variables present at MINVERSION are still available in version VERSION. Structs can be added, member variables can be added to existing structs, types of member variables can change and even the semantic of data can change. Thus, reading a file of one version which is considered compatible, but not of the same version as the current DNA, is subject to several conversion procedures before it is available to the system. Those conversion procedures can be found in blenders source code in files source/blender/blenloader/intern/versioning_*.c. Java .Blend does not implement these conversion function, and instead expects the user to use an exact matching library version for their Blender version.

Block Order

Blocks stored in a Bender file follow a specific order. The common rule for blocks stored in a Blender file is, that referenced DATA blocks always have to be placed behind the specified block of a main library element, which references it, and before the next main library element.

The following list summarises all block order related rules:

  • Main library elements are always immediately followed by the "DATA" blocks with their associated detailed data. Main library elements cannot be placed between those "DATA" blocks of another main library element. For example, a block with code "ME" containing struct Mesh is followed by its "DATA" blocks with arrays of MVert, MLoop, MEdge and so on. The next main library block will appear after the last "DATA" block of the previous main library element.
  • The block "DNA1" (see Type Information) can be placed anywhere in the file before the ENDB block, but not between "DATA" blocks of a main library element or the main library element and its "DATA" blocks.
  • The "GLOB" block can be placed anywhere before the "ENDB", but it has to respect the relationship between main library elements and their data, too.
  • At the end of the file, there is a single Block with code "ENDB".


Design Overview

This section gives a brief overview of the general concept behind Java .Blend.


Java .Blend basically consists of two modules:

Model Generator
The model generator (see image above) is a code generator, which generates Java code according to the meta data found in a reference Blender file. The generated code comprises a data model which reflects the Blender DNA. This generated data model consists of facades with getter and setter methods to access native data in heap memory at runtime.
Runtime Data I/O
Random access to native data of a Blender file is provided by the data I/O sub-module (see image below) which is working behind the scenes at runtime. It is responsible to transfer data between file and heap memory and supports facades of the data model in address translation, type conversion and data access in general. Please note, that Java .Blend does not include code for conversion between different DNA versions.

To summarise: Based on the type information (see Type Information) of any reference Blender file, the model generator generates a data model in terms of facades which provide type-safe access to native Blender data. The generated data model in combination with the runtime data I/O module is used at runtime to access data of any Blender file of the same version. Native Blender data is kept in its format in heap memory and accessed through the facades getter and setter methods. Life cycle of native data is implicitly covered by the Java VMs garbage collection.


At development time, the model generator is used to generate a data model for a particular Blender version, based on any .blend file created by Blender. The Java classes of the data model can be generated into a source folder of a specific project or compiled and archived in a separate Java library (.jar), to be used in multiple projects.


	java -jar JavaBlend.jar -out "../myproject/src" -p "my.package.blender" -in "any-file.blend"

Once the data model is generated, it can be used in combination with the runtime data I/O module to access any .blend file of the same Blender version. The application opens a Blender file and instantiates a MainLib library (see Blender DNA). The example below shows a use case, where an application opens a Blender file and reads the polygons of a mesh.


	// Open file and retrieve main lib
	BlenderFile f = new BlenderFile("cube.blend");
	MainLib main = new MainLib(f);
	// retrieve the first mesh's polygons
	Mesh mesh = lib.getMesh();
	MPoly[] polygons = mesh.getMpoly().toArray(mesh.getTotpoly());

More comprehensive examples involving materials and textures can be found in the download section of the website.

Block Level I/O

On the lowest level, the runtime I/O package has to deal with blocks and mapping of addresses to offsets in blocks (see package All data of a model stored in a Blender file is kept in its native format and converted on demand.

Address Resolution Concept

For all blocks which contain data originating from heap, address mapping is straight forward: Lookup the block with a start address less or equal to the address which has to be resolved and whose length is large enough to contain the address.

Offheap Areas

As explained in Section Blender Address Mapping a .blend file can contain blocks whose address range may or may not overlap the address range of other blocks. Since the data did not originate from its original location on the heap of the blender process which created the file, we call the corresponding memory area Offheap Areas. The general rule for blocks in offheap areas is, that only their start address is guaranteed to be unique. Luckily, only certain types of data are stored in offheap areas. Thus, we can differentiate between on-heap and offheap areas based on the type of data which is referenced (also stored in the block header) and apply the proper address resolution routine.

The types of blocks, which originated from offheap areas may change with different versions of blender. Thus, the I/O subsystem contains a lookup table with lists of struct names to be found in offheap areas for different blender versions (see package org.cakelab.blender.versions.OffheapAreas).

In case a .blend file contains blocks which overlap each other and whose struct types are not listed in the offheap areas, the block table will throw an exception during initialisation. This exception provides a list of the overlapping blocks and their struct types. This information is needed to fix the issue.

To fix an issue with overlapping blocks, you need to adapt the list of types from offheap areas to the given blender version. Simply add a new entry in class org.cakelab.blender.versions.OffheapAreas and run the code generation again. Entries for offheap areas consist of a blender version number followed by a list of struct type names of blocks, which have been found to overlap other blocks in the given blender version.

		map.add(new Entry(280, new String[]{"FileGlobal", "TreeStoreElem"}));

To identify the type of data which should be moved to an offheap area, you can use the information given by the OverlappingBlocksException you have received. Try to identify the type which solves the most overlap conflicts at once when moved off heap and add it to the list of your new offheap area entry. Important: Offheap areas cannot contain the type LinkBase (sdna index: 0) because it is used for raw data as well (i.e. untyped).

Afterwards, run the code generation again, add the new code to your project and read the file again to test it. Another approach is off course to study the blender source code and identify the actual structure, which causes the issue ;)

Class BlenderFile

BlenderFile is the main class to start working with a Blender file. It controls reading and writing of Blender files and keeps references on essential objects, such as block table and block list (see below).

When creating new Blender files, this class is also responsible to initialise the file with essential data, such as header, end block and a block with type information (StructDNA, see Section Type Information and Section StructDNA). This class does not create the required StructDNA on its own. Please refer to the Blender Factory to retrieve a generated StructDNA.

When finally writing a created Blender file, this class adds the fundamental blocks DNA1, GLOB and ENDB at their proper locations (see Block Order).

Block Table

The component called block table is responsible to map addresses to blocks according to the concept explained in Section Address Resolution). Internally, the block table sorts all blocks by their base address to optimise lookup performance. To handle offheap areas transparently, the block table references a set of block tables, which contain the blocks of those offheap areas.

Block List

Blocks in a Blender file follow a specific order, as explained in Section Block Order. Since the block table reorders blocks according to their base address, the block list was added to keep track of the sequential order required in a Blender file. Internally, the block list maintains a linked list of blocks to allow fast insertion or removal of blocks.


Blocks of one Blender file establish a virtual memory space based on blocks original address and size (cf. Address Mapping). Especially when adding content to an existing or new Blender file, low level I/O has to keep track of allocated and free memory in respect to existing blocks. When inserting new blocks, the low level I/O has to check, where this new block can be placed in this virtual memory space.

The allocator is assigned to the block table and is responsible to keep track of the virtual memory space of the associated Blender files in terms of free and allocated memory regions. The allocator is not responsible to actually allocate memory in the JVM. This is a task of the block table. The allocator just finds free address space for a new block or removes address space from its internal list of allocated regions.

Meta Data Representation

Meta data (type information) of a Blender file is available in three different formats: StructDNA, BlendModel and CMetaModel.


The class StructDNA, which is an exact replica of the file content in block "DNA1" (see Section Type Information), provides no higher functionalities, such as lookup of types.


The class BlendModel basically contains the same information as StructDNA, but provides lookup capabilities.


The class CMetaModel, provides an enriched meta model which contains classification of types (such as pointer, array, scalar, struct) and detailed break downs of types into their base types (see class documentation for more information).

Type Mapping

This section provides a specification of the type mapping of C types used in Blender files to Java types, as used in Java .Blend.

Scalar Types

The following table contains mappings of all scalar types in Blender files (C) to Java.

C native size [bytes] Java
char 1 byte
short 2 short
ushort 2 short
int 4 int
unsigned int 4 int
float 4 float
double 8 float
long 4/8 long
ulong 4/8 long
int64_t 8 long
uint64_t 8 long
pointers 4/8 long

Signed and Unsigned Integer Types

Java does not support unsigned integer types. Thus, every unsigned type is mapped to its signed counterpart. This has to be considered in case of overflows.

32 and 64 bit Systems

In C, the size of pointers and the scalar types long and unsigned long depend on the system architecture: 8 byte on 64 bit systems and 4 byte on 32 bit systems. Both are mapped to 64 bit in Java .Blend.

Structured Types

Based on the given type information from StructDNA, the model generator maps all structured types to Java facade classes. For each field of a struct a getter and setter method is generated based on type and name of the field.

Embedded Structs

If a field of a struct is of a structured type (not a pointer) then it is embedded in the struct in C. Those fields get represented by a facade of the fields type. The facade returned by the corresponding getter method provides access to the embedded struct. When assigning another object (i.e. facade) to the field through its set method, the value of that object is copied into the memory region of the embedded struct. This is exactly the same behaviour as in C.


Pointers in C can refer to different kinds of data which has to be known to understand the mapping chosen here. Generally, a pointer can be interpreted as a reference on a single data object or an array of data objects.

	/* pointer on single elem */
	int i;
	int* pi = &i;
	// same output from both printf statments
	printf("%d", *pi);
	printf("%d", pi[0]);
	/* pointer on array of elems */
	int a[] = {1,2,3};
	int* pa = a;
	// same output from both printf statments
	printf("%d", pa[1]);
	printf("%d", *(pa+1));

This small example displays a couple of issues for type mapping of pointers to Java. Java builtin types can only deal with a few of the functionalities provided by a pointer, such as arrays of fixed length or references on objects. Often in C a pointer is used as reference on a set of elements in an array, which ends with one specific terminating element, such as a null value. Every string in C is stored that way. To access its data you have to iterate through the array and scan for the terminating element. The only case you can scan through data in Java using builtin types, is that you have an array. Unfortunately, to create an array, you first need its length, that means you can't solve it without native access to data. Another issue is, that scalar types such as int, float, etc., cannot be referenced. Additionally, the corresponding class types such as Integer and Float are immutable (same for String), which means you cannot modify their value but assign a new instance to a reference. Hence, it is not the same if you have a reference on an object of type Integer in Java or an int* pointer in C.

Another case are type casts applied to pointers. In C it is possible to cast memory to any type. Best example are void* pointers which have to be casted to a specific type when used. Unfortunately, due to historical reasons, some pointers in Blender data imply a cast to a pointer of a structure of entirely different kind then the actual struct at the referenced address. Java supports casts as long as the target object contains the class of the reference somewhere in the inheritance hierarchy and the reference points to the base of the object (not somewhere inside). But in some of those cases in Blender files, the members (fields) of the struct which is referenced by a pointer of different type are also different. This results in the fact, that we can't just map those pointers to base classes or interfaces of the target class. The referenced data has to be interpreted differently based on the new type.

This brief discussion of the different functionalities of a pointer in C shows that it is not possible to map a pointer type to a particular Java builtin type without semantic knowledge about its use case. But the developer using the pointer can easily determin its use case and just needs a suitable interface which supports all the functions of a C pointer in Java. In order to keep the data model generic Java .Blend introduces a CPointer<T> template class to solve all those issues. A consequence of this design decision is, that a pointer representation needs native data to operate on (e.g. to perform type casts etc.). This also drove the fundamental decision to keep data in memory and use facades instead of converting all data in Java types, once it is read.

Class CPointer<T>

This class supports all functionalities of a C pointer. The template parameter specifies its target type, which means the type of data the pointer refers to. The target type can be either a scalar, an object (i.e. facade) or a pointer again (pointer of pointer).

The following list gives an overview of its functionalities:

  • Get or set referenced element/object
  • Get or set its address
  • Iterate over referenced elements
  • Convert to array of fixed length
  • Convert to String of given length
  • Type cast to a pointer of a different type

For more details refer to source code documentation.


Driven by the design decision on pointers, all data is kept in its native format in heap memory. This means, although we could map arrays of fixed length to their Java counter parts, it would be inconsistent. Instead arrays are represented by facades of type CArrayFacade<T> class templates where the template parameter T specifies the type of its components. Multi-dimensional arrays simply have a component type which is an array (e.g. CArrayFacade<CArrayFacade<T>>). CArrayFacade<T> is derived from CPointer<T> and inherits all its functionalities. Thus, arrays are pointers too, as in C.

The following list gives an overview of its functionalities:

  • Get or set elements of the array
  • Iterate over referenced elements
  • Pointer arithmetics
  • Type casting
  • Conversion filling from and conversion to Java built-in array types
  • Conversion between String and array

Code Generator

The code generation framework is responsible to generate classes based on the specified type mapping.

The entire code generator is located in package org.cakelab.blender.generator Main class of the code generator is the class ModelGenerator.

Basic procedure of the code generator is to enumerate all structs specified in the meta data received from a Blender file and forward it to a facade class generator. The code generator uses the documentation provider to retrieve JavaDoc documentation for members of generated facade classes.

When requested, the code generator also generates the utilities package with Blender Factory and class MainLib.

Generated Facade Classes

Main output of the code generator is the package with generated facade classes. Each generated class corresponds to one C structure specified in StructDNA with the same name, except of struct Object which was renamed to BlenderObject.

Instances of facade classes are assigned to their respective block and provide getter and setter methods to access the member variables of the struct inside the block. Access to data involves conversion between data representation in the block and data representation in Java. This conversion is handled transparently on demand by the data I/O subsystem.

Generated Utilities Package

The optional utilities package contains code generated by the code generator. It contains Blender version specific code which helps in lookup (see MainLib) of specific data in a Blender file and creation of blocks (see BlenderFactory).

Main Library

Data in a Blender file is subdivided in main library elements, such as scenes, configuration data, objects, meshes, material, etc., and data associated to them such as vertices, loops, edges, normals, etc. The class MainLib provides references to all main library elements.

Blender Factory

Adding data to Blender files is not an easy task. The class BlenderFactory helps in this task in various ways.

  • It provides factory methods to create blocks with assigned instances of facades, pointers or arrays (i.e. structs or raw data).
  • It establishes a block list based on the sequence of instantiations performed at its factory methods.
  • It instantiates a version specific but encoding independent StructDNA needed to create new files.

Externally Maintained Documentation

Javadoc documentation of the generated facade classes is retrieved through a documentation provider from external documentation files. Those documentation files contain a list of structs and their members with associated documentation.

Please note that the DNA documentation is kept in a repository on github and published under GPL v3 (see Section 'Licensing' on the main page for reasons).

Currently available documentation is extracted from Blender's source code via doxygen and from it's Python API via script Since this documentation is still incomplete for the most parts, users can add more documentation manually in terms of files of the documentation system.

This section will explain the format of the documentation.

Documentation System

This section specifies file format and folder layout of the documentation system.

File Format

Documenation files are written in JSON and contain Javadoc comments. The following table will explain its contents.

key value type description
system "Blender" String Always "Blender".
module "DNA" String Always "DNA".
version major.minor String Version string as retrieved from file header (e.g. "2.69")
source source of information String String which specifies where this information was gathered from (e.g. Python API, Blender Source Code, etc.)
inherits list of doc files to be inherited Array of Strings List of paths to doc files to be referred to, in case no other documentation was found for a given subject (e.g. struct). Inherited documentation will be overridden by included documentation or documentation found in the given doc file.
includes list of files to be included Array of Strings List of paths to doc files to be included in this documentation file. This will override previously inherited or included documentation.
doc Reserved for javadoc package info (e.g. package.html) String Place for package documentation which is not used in the current version.
structs list of structs Array of JSON objects List of structs with documentation.
key value type description
struct name javadocs for a struct JSON object Contains javadoc for the corresponding class and its members.
key value type description
doc class doc String Class documentation.
fields docs for each field JSON object For each field:
key value type description
field name field doc String Javadoc for a specific field.

All elements which contain Javadoc comments (i.e. all properties with key 'doc') contain text only. That means, no slashes or stars like '/**' or '*/'. Since Javadoc accepts HTML complex constructs, like tables or lists can be added with HTML code.

Folder Layout and Versioning

A documentation folder consists of the following subfolders:
  • dnadoc Main folder of the DNA documentation.
    • <majorVer.minorVer> Version subfolder (e.g. 2.69).
      • dnasrc Documentation retrieved from Blender source code via doxygen.
        • doc.json Documentation entry file.
      • pyapi Documentation retrieved from Blender's Python API source code via script
        • doc.json Documentation entry file.
      • added Manually added documentation.
        • doc.json Documentation entry file.
        • DNA_ID.json Documentation for all structs in DNA_ID.h
        • DNA_object_types.json Documentation for all structs in file DNA_object_types.h
    • ..

Documentation Provider

Documentation provider is an interface providing lookup of documentation stored in files of the documentation system. The documentation provider automatically searches the most appropriate documentation for a given Blender file version combination (i.e. MINVERSION and VERSION and their respective extensions (subversions)).

Since there are multiple sources of documentation (i.e. Python API, Blender Source Code and manually added ("Java .Blend")) the documentation provider combines them in a list of documentation entries where each source gets its own section.

Getting Started

This is a brief getting started guide for Java .Blend API programmers. It covers just the basic tasks such as setting up the development environment, and reading or writing Blender files with help of the class BlenderFactory.

To give a more detailed view on Java .Blend, all of its features have been demonstrated in examples which can be found in the download section on the Java .Blend website.


As explained in the concept overview, working with Java .Blend requires a set of facade classes and utilities which are generated by the code generator. You can either use a pregenerated Java archive of the download section or run the code generator on your own (see Section Generating Data Model and Utilities). The latter case is necessary if there is either no pregenerated Java archive available for your Blender version or you decided to work on code generator or documentation.

To get running, add the jar of the pregenerated data model to your project:

  • JavaBlend-<version>-DNA-<blender-version>.jar


There is an easy way and a more complex but even more flexible way to read Blender files. The easiest way is to use the class MainLib and the more complex involves direct access to blocks.

Access Through Class MainLib

  • Open the file by instantiating an object of class BlenderFile.
  • Provide the open file to the constructor of MainLib.

Class MainLib provides access to all library elements found in the file and those provide access to the remaining raw data through its getter methods.


	BlenderFile f = new BlenderFile(new File(filename));
	MainLib lib = new MainLib(f);
	f.close();                 // all data was read by MainLib constructor

	Mesh mesh = lib.getMesh(); // access mesh

Reading with Direct Block Access

Reading with direct block access basically involves opening a Blender file, retrieve/search blocks, instantiate appropriate facade classes based on the type information (sdnaIndex) given in the block and finally access it. See example class ExampleConvert2Json for a comprehensive example on direct block access including meta data lookup etc.


Creating or extending Blender files requires a lot of knowledge on the Blender data model. Unfortunately, the data model is quite huge and contains lots of references between elements and redundant information too. The best way to gather information on how to write a Blender file, is to study one first and use it as template.

As part of the examples, you will find a class called ExampleConvert2Json, which creates a JSON file with all information of a Blender file in the given block order. This file is quite easy to read and helps a lot in studying the Blender DNA.

Additionally, you will need to download the Blender sources and open the folder source/blender/makesdna. There, you will find various C header files with the prefix DNA_. Those header files contain all types (structs) of the Blender DNA (i.e. all types that can possibly exist in a Blender file). When not sure about the meaning of a member variable of a struct, then look if there is source code documentation and if you have an IDE which supports function call lookup etc. (i.e. Eclipse), then use it to find contexts in which this member variable is accessed.

The example CopybufferExchange provides a full example on how to create a Blender file for exchange via the clipboard functionality of Blender.

Contributing to Documentation

As mentioned, the documentation on the generated facade classes is still poor and programmers will need to read Blenders source code and study .blend files to gather more information. To speed things up, everybody is encouraged to contribute to the externally maintained documentation. This is not just about helping others, it is more about helping each other in terms of a team effort! If we all study the Blender source code for ourselves, we waste a tremendous amount of work power, trying to find knowledge over and over again, someone else already figured out! Just do the math.

The DNA documentation is also available on github. Its URL is:

To contribute to the documentation just fork it on github, and send me a pull request with your modifications. Contributions are reviewed and incorporate on a regular basis.

The format of the documentation is explained in Section Externally Maintained Documentation. Please check your modifications by performing a code generation run (see Section Generating Data Model and Utilities).

Generating Data Model and Utilities

This section explains how to generate Java .Blend facade classes and utilities for a given Blender version. This procedure is 'almost' generic. In case you experience issues, then read the Section Troubleshooting below.

The generated code is subdivided into two packages:

The utilities package is slightly more version dependent than the facade classes. That means, the code generator may generate an incompatible utilities package in future versions of Blender while the facade classes will most certainly remain compatible and working. Therefore, the generation of the utilities package is optional.

In order to generate the facade classes you need a .blend file saved with the version of Blender you are aiming to support as reference. This can be any .blend file and even the user preferences to be found in $HOME/.config/blender/2.69/config/userpref.blend.

In order to incorporate Javadoc comments in the generated facade classes you need to download a set of Java .Blend's external documentation files either directly from the github repository or the download section of Java .Blend's website. Please note, that you have to respect the license of the documentation files if you plan to redistribute derived work. Please refer to Section 'Licensing' on the index page to learn more about the reasons.

Command Line Parameters

The code generator gets started from command line.

	java -jar JavaBlend-SDK-<version>.jar <options>

Alternatively, you can use the Ant build file export-DNA-lib.xml and modify it to adjust it to your environment.

name type default description
-in path Blender file (always containing type information) to use as reference.
-out path Source code folder to create the package and store the generated classes.
-p Java package name "org.cakelab.blender" Main package of generated code. Facades will go in subpackage 'dna' and utilities in 'utils'.
-u boolean true Enable (true) or disable (false) generation of utilities package.
-c path "resources/dnadoc" Main folder of the documentation system. This is optional. If no documentation is found, the code generator will still generate all code.
-d boolean true Enable (true) or disable (false) debug output. It's currently used by the documentation system only.
-h Prints brief help message and exits without code generation.


	> java -jar JavaBlend-SDK-1.0.0.jar -in "$HOME/.config/blender/2.69/config/userpref.blend" -out "../MyProject/src"

As you see, you can even use the user preferences file as reference .blend file to provide the type information needed to generate the code.


Exception due to Overlapping Blocks
Overlapping blocks occur if the generated data model does not have a full list of possibly existing offheap areas. To fix this issue on your own, you need add an entry to the list of offheap areas and rerun the data model generator (API will be the same as before). However, it would be nice, if you can tell me about the issue, so I can fix it for everybody.

Holger Machens, 11-Dec-2022